Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Neither Sleet, nor Rain, nor Hail

My errand “running” didn’t work out as well tonight. I had to pay a bill, so I thought I’d run to the post office to drop it in the mailbox. Problem was that it was raining. No big deal, I frequently run in the rain, right. Well, to keep it dry, I tucked the envelope inside my pants and under my jacket. Joe and I set off for the post office and all was well until we got to the mailbox and I have no envelope. The mailbox is in front of the window of a restaurant, and now there are several diners looking at this silly runner digging in his pants while his wet dog has a bewildered stare. I wave, and Joe and I hastily retreat in search of the lost envelope. We didn’t have to look too hard. There in the middle of the wet street, with tread marks crossing its width, sat our envelope. I quickly picked it up, wrung it out, stuffed it into the mailbox and continued on our way.


Fooseberry said...

I agree that a bill did not deserve a fresh envelope of the money for a new stamp. Good way to sneek in some miles though.

Barry said...

When I first read this last night (this morning, really) I was literally laughing out loud. After reading it again I am trying to imagine how it must have looked from your perspective, Joe Louis's perspective and the restaurant patrons' perspective. Too funny.

Live/Love/Life said...

Now that is funny.
Good thing you run all the time. by the time the cops got there for the guy that was "doing something" to his pants.
I needed a good laugh.